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We love cycling

We are new sponsors for a local cycling club.
acubiz sponsor of local biketeam


We are proud to announce that we are new sponsor of the cycling club CK Nordsjælland. Our logo will adorn the cycle clothes of CK Nordsjælland in the future, and we are extremely pleased that Acubiz gets visibility on especially the North Zealand country roads. Of cause we have to mention Tour de France in Denmark as well.

Seen from the outside it can be difficult to see the connection between a cycling team and a fintech company. At Acubiz, however, we love all kinds of sports, as we are convinced that the joy of sports has positive effects on people’s mood and job satisfaction. This is the reason that Acubiz pays a fixed monthly amount to the employees’ sports activities.

The local and personal touch

CK Nordsjælland is a special cycling club that benefits both members and the local area of North Sealand. The team promotes cycling in North Zealand within both license-, competition- and exercise levels. Cycling is a sport that’s close to the heart of Acubiz CEO and founder, Lars de Nully. Therefore, the time for reflection wasn’t long when the opportunity for the sponsorship arose.

“I’ve always loved to cycle. I think it’s a fantastic way to exercise. I find CK Nordsjælland’s way of accessing the sport inspiring and we would love to support this at Acubiz. Time will tell if CK Nordsjælland is part of Tour de France when it starts in Denmark in 2021. Luckily, we can settle for less” tells Lars de Nully with a smile.

Tour de France in Denmark

We are also looking forward to 2021 when Tour de France comes to Denmark. It is going to be a crazy cycling year for Denmark and Tour de France’s arrival in Denmark is something we look very much forward to. Being able to attract such a large world event to Denmark is simply unique.

At Acubiz, we look forward to following our good customers, Astana Pro Team and Bahrain Merida Pro Cycling Team, when Tour de France start on Danish soil. The UCI World Tour 2019 includes 37 day and stage races worldwide and is extremely demanding for teams – sporting as well as administrative. Astana and Bahrain Merida have chosen Acubiz’s expense management solution to keep track of expenses, so they can keep focus on winning cycle races.

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