Managing expenses has never been easier

Digitise and simplify the expense journey from A-Z

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Trusted by nearly 300,000 users spread over 52 countries and close to 1,000 companies

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The Acubiz experience

We walk the talk and deliver a unique and flexible expense management software for the benefit of our customers.

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Raise the stakes.
Claim your reward.

Increase collaboration across the entire company while ensuring a smooth expense process.


Easy mobile registering of expenses, reducing time and effort. Experience faster reimbursements, resulting in improved cash flow. No more big piles of receipts and paperwork.


Flexible approval workflow ensuring an efficient expense process. Real-time visibility into expense data, fostering transparency and sound decision-making. 


Management reaps the rewards of detailed insights. Acubiz enhances vital business operations by streamlining processes, enabling management to improve efficiency.

Finance Department

Ensure compliance with company policies and regulatory requirements, reducing compliance risks. All expense data is centralised, simplifying auditing and reporting. Also, integration capabilities allow connections with financial systems, streamlining processes and minimising data entry errors.

“We had several types of settlement methods in use, and employees spent unnecessary amounts of time filling out settlement forms and chasing the manager for a signature.”

Charlotte Pedersen

Controller Assistant, Bonnier Publications

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