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Electronic receipt


What is an electronic receipt?

An electronic receipt is a digital solution that allows you to access your receipt digitally. Like a physical receipt, an electronic version is proof of your purchase – whether it’s for goods or services. This applies whether you buy as a private individual or as a company.

You can access more and more receipts electronically as part of digitization, but also as part of greater consideration for the environment as companies reduce paper consumption.

You can collect your receipts in an app every time you make a purchase for work with Acubiz

What does an (electronic) receipt contain?

Regardless of whether a receipt is physical or electronic, it must contain the following information to be valid:

  • Purchase date
  • Name of product/service
  • Price
  • Name of store
  • Rules for exchange/return

Why are receipts necessary?

The receipt is important as a buyer because it is your opportunity to document the purchase.

Without it, you lose your right to exchange a product and the right to complain if you cannot present a receipt.

For Danish companies, it is mandatory to provide buyers with the option of obtaining a receipt for a purchase, whether it’s goods at a supermarket, a haircut at the hairdresser, or something else.

As a buyer, you must always be able to document your purchase if you are dissatisfied with a service or want to return a product.

For companies, receipts are essential for both purchasing and sales. The receipt documents a sale or purchase and must therefore be part of the company’s accounts.

A receipt app helps with receipt chaos

A receipt app helps you keep track of all your receipts so you avoid chaos in your expenses. You are probably familiar with how paper receipts tend to disappear. It’s over if you collect your electronic receipts in an app.

In addition, you can enjoy several benefits of electronic receipts:

  • You have all your receipts collected.
  • You always have your receipts with you in your pocket.
  • You can quickly integrate your receipts with other digital solutions.

All this helps you save time and resources, so you can focus on what is important.

Do you want to know more?

With Acubiz, you can also get automatic and digital handling of expenses on your corporate card, so you get fast registration and handling of receipts purchased with the card.

It provides efficient and quick handling of expenses on the go, so you no longer have to deal with unmanageable administrative tasks.

Contact us if you want to know how we can help your business or book a free online demo to learn more.

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