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Meet Acubiz: Kasper from Customer Relations

“I always work with the end-user in mind since we instruct the employees to carry out accounting tasks.”
Employee Kasper


”Meet Acubiz” is a series of articles that’ll take you behind the scenes at Acubiz. They’ll tell the stories of the everyday heroes. In this article, the spotlight is turned towards Kasper Brøckner, who is Senior Consultant and every day reflects in the motto “we make the complex simple”.

How long have you been at Acubiz?

I’ve been at Acubiz for just over six years. At that time, we were 12-13 employees and my consultant colleagues are almost the same today – a few extra colleagues have joined our team since then. I was interviewed by our CEO, Lars de Nully, and I remember a phrase that made a big impression on me. He explained how Acubiz is doing business with this phrase: “we make the complex simple”. I’ve embraced this statement and today it’s the driving force on how I do my job.

Kasper from Customer Relations

What is the biggest difference on Acubiz today versus Acubiz when you started?

Definitely the number of roles. When I started, I had more roles and different responsibilities and my tasks were more varied and diverse. Today I’m much more specialized in our solution and this suits me well.

Can you introduce the reader for ”Customer Relations”?

Yes. We’ll enter the picture as soon as a customer has signed a contract. Our motto is “from happy buyer to happy customer”. Our job is to make sure that the customer is happy with the solution they’ve purchased. This involves everything from implementation to the daily use and support. All customers are being taken care of by us and they enter a carefully planned implementation process where the solution is set up according to the needs and desires of the company. This is also where we preach “The Acubiz Way” – which is our recommendation on how our customers benefits the most from Acubiz.

What are you own tasks?

I’m implementation consultant which means that I implement Acubiz together with our customers. I start by exploring the customer’s business and their accounting process from A to Z. I always work with the end-user in mind since we instruct the employees to carry out accounting tasks. It’s a necessity that I manage to make Acubiz understandable, intuitive and easy for the end-user – without compromising the accounting regulations. This is were the motto “we make the complex simple” manifest itself.

How do you define a good day at work?

When the collaboration with a customer and the Acubiz solution all comes together. If both end-users and finance department are happy, we end up with a happy customer. And I’m happy if the customer is happy. It also makes me happy when a customer embraces our advices and is ready for a positive change in their busy everyday lives.

What kind of questions are your colleagues asking you?

The questions are very much related to our solution and its subtlety. My colleagues must think that I know our solutions in depth. And I agree with them. Our solution has a lot of configuration and combination options and I seek this knowledge so I can offer our customers the exact solution that match their needs. Technical knowledge lies close to my heart. My understanding of user experience is quite good as well in my own humble opinion. I’m able to acquaint myself with the user and see things from their perspective. Fortunately, many of my colleagues can use my opinion on this from time to time.

What is the funniest or most surprising thing that has happened at a customer meeting?

Once I went to a meeting with a customer who had booked their most impressive meeting room. It was located in the middle of the office landscape with glass all around. I sat down on a chair and crossed my legs, but I didn’t notice that the chair had three legs. I lost balance and both the chair and I ended on the floor. The people that attended the meeting thought it was hilarious. The most important thing was that the meeting went well and that nothing happened. But it was a fun episode.

What is the biggest difference between Acubiz and your former workplaces?

I would like to highlight the collegial cohesion. I always try to be positive and joyful in everything I do, and I hope that this has a positive effect on my colleagues. In general, I think that a positive mindset from colleagues has been a common denominator during my time on the job market. However, it’s quite unique in Acubiz. Even during the Corona crises people are eating lunch and enjoying a Friday bar together – virtually of course. It keeps me going and it gives me a feeling that we’re not completely apart.

Can you name a funny thing about yourself? A thing people don’t know about you.

Sure. I was partner in a company for many years next to my regular job. At some point it stole too much of my free time and I thought about the partnership all the time. I chose to step out of it. Instead, I’ve plunged into e-sport and online racing. I compete against 25 opponents across Europe. Even my son, who plays Fortnite, tells his friends about his dad’s racing and it’s giving “street credit” to both my son and I from his friends. Online racing is much less stressful but it’s much more fun. I don’t overthink racing. Instead I sit down, I race and afterwards I’m back in my everyday life. Motorsport has interested me for many years and now I participate myself – but under harmless conditions.

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