Data Security

Keep data secure with Acubiz

coworkers in meeting room talking

Secure Data Handling Provides a Peace of Mind

When choosing your Expense Management provider, security is crucial. At Acubiz, we ensure the high security of your registered customer data. As our customer, you have every reason to feel secure. We continuously test and validate our own processes to ensure the proper handling of your data. We also set requirements for hosting partners, collaborators, and other suppliers.

ISAE 3402 Type I Certification Validating

Internal processes and permissions are essential when dealing with customer data. Defining who has access to specific customer data and having documented data handling processes is critical to ensure the right data security. In 2023, we were awarded an international standard – ISAE 3402 Type I certification – assured by PwC. The certification is a comprehensive validation of Acubiz’s internal processes and data handling over an 8-month period.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR Compliance The validation of data handling and internal processes is a significant step towards compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, which came into effect on May 25, 2018. At Acubiz, we proactively work to comply with EU regulations to ensure proper data handling for all parties.”