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Meet Acubiz: Diana from Marketing

Employee Diana

I think it’s exciting that we are making a difference in our customers working lives by making heavy and tedious workflows easier – everything else is simply a waste of time ?

Meet Acubiz: Alan from Sales

Employee Alan

I have a saying: when something doesn’t work, I need to do something else. I live out the saying at the golf course but also at work.

Mileage documentation requirements

Phone in car with company mileage

For tax-free refunds on work-related car use in Denmark, proper mileage documentation is vital. SKAT sets the documentation standards which include details like name, address, travel date, start and end points, kilometers traveled, and more. While spreadsheets are common for tracking, Acubiz offers a more efficient, GPS-enabled solution that ensures compliance with SKAT’s requirements and streamlines the mileage refund process.

ADVICE of the month…

Coworkers talking in the kitchen

Acubiz highlights the importance of digitization for efficiency, safety, and employee satisfaction. Embracing digital tools is vital for modern business growth.

The tickets’ digital journey – from booking to ERP system

passport at the airport

Acubiz and travel agency ATPI have partnered to streamline travel expense management. Their combined solution seamlessly integrates flight bookings with expense tracking in a company’s ERP system. ATPI ensures optimal trip planning, while Acubiz digitizes the expense process, reducing manual work and providing clearer expense oversight.